Treatments Available Fridays

IV Hydration Therapy

Immunity Drip - $220

A great boost to your immune system! Protects your body from the inside out and contains key nutrients: Vitamin C, Zinc, N-Acetylcysteine, B Vitamins and more. You may add Vitamin D and Glutathione for a stronger boost. 

IV Hydration - $140

Great for before or after a big event. Aids with recovery and performance. 

Myers Cocktail - $210

Vitamin C, Minerals, B Vitamins - This IV is great for preventative, general wellness and symptomatic treatment of acute illness.

Metabolism Mover - $210

Vitamins, Antioxidants, Minerals, Amino Acids, L-Carnitine - Increases energy, supports metabolism and encourages weight loss.

Hangover Therapy - $250

For those individuals who need to bounce back! Vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Boost with recommended additions to this drip for a quick recovery!

Vitamin Injections & Additions

B12 - $35

Supports neuromuscular function, mood and energy. Helps remove harmful substances from the body.

Lipovite - $60

Amino Acids assist in fat mobilization from the liver. Supports brain neurotransmitters. 

B Complex - $70

Immune Boosting B1, B2, B3, B5 & B6.

Tri-Immune Boost - $60

Triple defense immunity formula that consists of potent antioxidants and essential minerals that assist in supporting the body's immune system. 

Super Lipovite - $70

A mixture of B vitamins which further help facilitate fat loss and increase energy.

Vitamin D3 - $60

Increases energy and aids in prevention of chronic illness.

Glutathione - $55 & up

Consists of anti-aging properties, removes inflammation and free radicals from the body.

Additions & Boosts

Toradol (NSAID) - $50

Anti-inflammatory for aches, pains, headaches and cramping.

Pepcid - $40

Prescription strength medication to help relieve heartburn and upset stomach.

Dexamethasone (steroid) - $40

Anti-inflammatory for aches, pain, immune system disorders and allergic reactions.

Zofran (nausea) - $40

Prescription strength anti-nausea medication.